Our Mission

SunShineBlu supports, encourages and advocates for people with mental health conditions and raises awareness about mental health to end the stigma for a brighter tomorrow for all.

We do this by providing non-clinical, community-based mental health services such as a healing space that offers holistic therapies; peer-to-peer support, peer led support groups and well-being workshops and events all based on SAMHSA's Eight Dimensions of Wellness.

Our History

Out of the Darkness & Into the Light

Our Founder Kayla Gilmore

After experiencing major depression and complex PTSD for more than 20 years, Kayla Gilmore, knows all too well the overwhelming darkness depression brings, the shame and stigma that comes with it and how difficult it is to find the right kind of care all while trying to lead a “normal” life.

Workplace induced trauma followed by inadequate mental healthcare led Kayla to dream of a different kind of place. A place of truth and beauty where people with mental health conditions could come and find healing and rest without judgment or the stigma that so often comes with their illness. She dreamed of a place where individuals could find financial work opportunities that supported their mental health needs. So in 2022, Kayla founded SunShineBlu.

Depression can feel like you're in the deepest of darkness all by yourself. It's so heavy and painful. There's no hope or joy and you feel like a total failure. But we want you to know you are not alone. We understand. And there is light in the darkness.