What We Do

We currently offer the following services:

1. Healing Spaces

SunShineBlu believes people with mental health conditions deserve and need a place of truth, goodness, beauty, acceptance and love to fully heal. Evidence-based design research has demonstrated the power of environmental design to support improved care and well-being. Spatial design that incorporates the five senses provide a place of true healing for individuals. It evokes a sense of cohesion between the body, mind and spirit.

Many times people with mental health conditions do not have a safe place to go to just rest peacefully and quietly in a space of beauty. SunShineBlu provides that non-judgmental space where everyone is accepted, loved and known, no matter their mental health illness. Our current space offers things such as light therapy, meditation, color therapy, essential oils, etc. at no cost to individuals. You are welcome to come and enjoy any time during our office hours.

2. One-on-one Peer Support

We encourage everyone to see medical professionals for their mental healthcare. But we know it can sometimes be hard to get into one or can be weeks in between appointments. You need more care! We’re here to help. We offer non-clinical peer support at no cost to you. Through shared understanding, respect and mutual empowerment, our peer support professionals will help you become and stay engaged in your mental health recovery process and reduce the likelihood of relapse.

3. Healing Community

It is the belief and experience of SunShineBlu that gathering in these healing spaces of beauty and relaxed settings leads to a better understanding of each other and an increase in participation and positive relationships, which in turn fosters healing. SunShineBlu hosts organic, encouraging peer-to-peer conversations about mental health and hosts peer-led support groups as a way to treat depression and anxiety. Not as a replacement to medical professionals in mental health, but as a collaboration with doctors and therapists.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 90% of Americans believe the US is facing a mental health crisis. The US Preventative Services Task Force recently recommended that all patients under 65 be screened for depression and anxiety. Mental health illness costs over $200 billion per year in the United States and we do not have the resources to help everyone. It’s 6-8 weeks before a child or student can access mental health care and 8-10 weeks for an adult. A community-based healthcare approach is our solution to the draining resources on our systems and meets you right where you are at.

4. Community Education & Outreach

SunShineBlu hosts workshops and events educating the public on mental health care and well-being around the 8 dimensions of wellness - emotional, physical, occupational, intellectual, financial, social, environmental and spiritual. These dimensions are interconnected and build on each other, as does our education. Workshops may include but are not limited to mindfulness, yoga, light therapy, healing sound therapy, caregiving for mental health, etc.

If you’re in need of any of our services, please contact