JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) is the very foundation of what SunShineBlu does. Our policies and procedures ensure culturally responsive care and equitable access for all. Our commitment to JEDI extends to community partnerships, advocacy for marginalized populations and initiatives to reduce disparities in mental health care access and outcomes. Through these efforts, SunShineBlu strives to create a more just, equitable and inclusive mental health landscape.

At SunShineBlu, we are unwavering and unapologetic in our belief that everyone deserves equal access to quality mental healthcare. We are committed to ensuring that our clients, staff, volunteers, sponsors and donors are recognized, valued, and embraced for who they are, exactly as they are. We stand resolutely against all forms of oppression, including racism, transphobia, classism, sexism and xenophobia.

As a Colorado non-profit, SunShineBlu adheres to the Colorado Non-Profit Association’s “Principles & Practices for NonProfit Excellence in Colorado (4th Ed).”1  These principles and practices include Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (page 15) and SunShineBlu has added Justice on our own. SunShineBlu has the following:

Internal Policies:

  1. Organizational Policies - Removed policies and practices that exclude people based on social identity and access.
  2. Opportunities for Diverse Social Identities - Created diverse employment, volunteer and Board Member opportunities.
  3. Workplace Culture - Fosters a culture of connection for all, regardless of differences.
  4. Implicit Biases - Recognizes and addresses implicit biases in decision-making and interactions.
  5. Board Roles in Advancing JEDI - Includes inclusiveness goals in the strategic plan, monitors progress and acts as ambassadors in diverse communities.

External Policies:

  1. Marketing and Messaging - Expresses values of JEDI in marketing and develops strategies to understand target audience.
  2. Community and Constituent Relationships - Engages meaningful conversations with communities and constituents as partners, uses equitable channels for dialogue, and allows external perspectives to influence internal work.
  3. Leadership Commitment - Demonstrates a commitment to JEDI through board and leadership engagement and fostering authentic conversations with all.

 Link to: Colorado Non-Profit Principles & Practices